宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=960200&day=2016-02-21
Survival drama "The Revenant" was the top winner at Britain’s biggest movie awards on Sunday, taking the best film prize and honors for leading actor Leonardo DiCaprio and director Alejandro G. Inarritu.
The movie earned five British Academy of Film and Television Arts(BAFTA)awards, including for cinematography and sound, at a ceremony in London, two weeks before it vies for Hollywood’s top honors, the Oscars.
In the film, which has already picked up several trophies in this awards season and leads Oscar nominations, DiCaprio portrays fur-trapper Hugh Glass, who after being attacked by a bear, is left for dead by his companions during an 1820s expedition. He survives in harsh winter conditions and sets out for revenge.
DiCaprio is heavily favored to win the best actor Academy Award on Feb. 28, which would be his first in five Oscar acting nominations.
vie:動詞,競爭、爭取。例句:They are vying to win the championship for the fifth year in a row.(他們爭取連續5年奪冠。)
awards season:名詞,影展季節。在美國好萊塢工業裡,指每年11月到隔年2月一系列影展活動,通常由美國影藝學院(AMPAS)的榮譽奧斯卡「主席獎」(Governors Awards)或獨立的哥譚電影獎(Gotham Awards)揭開序幕,壓軸就是奧斯卡金像獎。
set out:動詞片語,動身、開始、安排、說明。例句:They set out at five and hoped to arrive before dark.(他們5點出發,希望天黑前到達。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=960200&day=2016-02-21