The Puyuma tribe once boasted mighty military power and ruled over 72 indigenous communities in Eastern Taiwan. The Puyuma developed the Men's Houses system to ensure the security of a tribe that was surrounded geographically by hostile adversaries. The Men's Houses are part military boot camps and part guard posts. Every Puyuma male must join a Men's House when he is 12 or 13 to receive physical and hunting training until he is married (when he becomes a teacher in the institute). The Men's Houses exhibit the Puyuma's architectural finesse. The Puyuma are also famous for their embroidery and weaving, which they create using a laborious and complicated traditional process.
The Saisiyat live in mountainous areas in Wufong Village in Hsinchu County, as well as Nanjuang and Shrtan villages in Miaoli County. The patriarchal Saisiyat clans each have their own district totems, or symbols. Traditional Saisiyat surnames are derived from animals or plants in their territories as well as natural occurrences and astronomical objects. The worship of the ancestral spirit is at the heart of the Saisiyat belief system. The Saisiyat consider the ancestral spirit to be a supernatural force that can protect as well as punish tribespeople. The Saisiyat hold the Ancestral Spirit Ritual (Pas-vake) between once and three times a year. In addition, the Dwarf Spirit Ceremony (Pas-taai) is also an important event on the Saisiyat calendar. The ceremony is held on the day of the first full moon after the harvest, or around the 15th day of the 10th lunar month. The ceremony is used to thank the Dwarf Spirit (taai), which, according to Saisiyat legend, lived next to the Saisiyat ancestors and taught them farming and medical techniques as well as ritual songs and dances.
The Yami tribe, also known as the Tao tribe, is the only indigenous tribe with an oceanic culture as well as the only one living mainly outside of the island of Taiwan. The Tao people have generally kept their traditional culture and way of life thanks to the isolation of their home on Orchid Island. As a maritime society, boatbuilding and fishing are the key features of Yami life. The Boat Launching Ceremony and the Flying Fish Ceremony are two of the most important Yami rituals. The Yami consider boatbuilding to be a sacred mission.
The Thao people live mostly in the Sun Moon Lake area (Yuchih Township and Shueili Township) in landlocked Nantou County. Thao legend says the tribe was created when the Thao's founding ancestors chased a white deer to Sun Moon Lake.
Pestle music is distinctive to Thao culture. The mortar and pestle are elemental tools for the Thao, who use them to remove rice husks and to prepare pastries. Their pestle music was created when the Thao people found rhythm and harmony in their pestling sounds while working together to prepare food. They later added voices to the music, creating the famous pestling songs. The sight of Thao people making pestle music is famous around Sun Moon Lake.