宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=939933&day=2015-12-12
A Missouri man named Bud Weisser was taken into custody for trespassing into - of all places - a Budweiser brewery in St. Louis, police said on Monday.
Police apprehended the 19-year-old St. Louis man on Thursday when he entered a secure area at the brewery and refused to leave, the St. Louis Police Department said in a statement.
Weisser was issued summonses for trespassing and resisting arrest and authorities continue to investigate the incident, police said.
Weisser pleaded guilty to burglary in July and his sentence was suspended, online court records showed. (Reuters)
custody:名詞,指監管、拘留、羈押、撫養權、監護權。例句:The custody of the child is granted to the father.(這個孩子的監護權被判給爸爸。)
summons:名詞,指召喚、傳喚、傳票,複數型態為summonses;動詞則為summon,指鼓起勇氣、振作精神、傳訊出庭、招降。例句:I can’t summon up much enthusiasm for the activity.(我對那個活動沒有太多興趣。)
suspend:動詞,指懸吊、暫停。例句:Give him a call. Don’t suspend him in midair.(給他撥個電話,別讓他七上八下。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=939933&day=2015-12-12