
  • If you miss any more classes, your teachers will be down on you like a ton of bricks. (如果你再有一次不去上課,你的老師一定會嚴懲你)
  • If my father finds me misbehaving, he’ll come down on me like a ton of bricks. (如果我父親發現我搗蛋的話,他決不會輕饒我)


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Assail 僅當動詞用,而 assault 可當動詞和名詞用。就動詞而言,這兩個字有幾個意思是同義詞,包括「襲擊;攻擊」、「抨擊;嚴厲批評」及「困擾;使感到苦惱」。它們通常可以互換,甚至源自同一個古法文字 asilir,但它們的用法卻有些差異。

Assail 鮮少指 (傷害他人身體的) 暴力 (行為),而是指口頭上的攻擊,即「抨擊」,而 assault 往往指更嚴厲的批評且通常指 (傷害他人身體的) 暴力攻擊,如 While the business community has assailed the tax reform, most of the government officials have come out to support it. (儘管商業界抨擊這項稅改,但大多數政府官員都挺身而出表示支持);Police are searching for a man who used a steel pipe to assault a famous singer. (警方正在搜尋一名用鋼管攻擊一位名歌手的男子);The county magistrate was assaulted by young demonstrators. (縣長遭到年輕示威者的襲擊)。

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6. Do you believe in love at the first sight?


一見鐘情的英文就是 fall in love at the first sight. 像是這樣的問法真的是非常地有技巧, 表面上雖不直說我對妳有意思, 只是隨口問問你相不相信一見鐘情這種事情, 如果對方真的對你有興趣的話, 她一定會給你更多的機會發展下去, 要是對方表現出興趣缺缺, 則你順勢轉移話題就可以了.

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1. I have a crush on her.


Crush on her 就是對一位異性十分地著迷, 通常指的是不太熟的異性, 比如說你今天出去玩看到一個美眉長的很美麗, 你就可以用 I have a crush on her.  你可以解釋成去"哈"到某人了.  這跟 fall in love with 不太一樣, fall in love with somebody 多半指的是和某位異位陷入熱戀, 通常你們之間已經有一定相識.  要強調非常"哈", 則可以說, I have a big crush on her.
2. I like to talk to her. I guess we are in the same wavelength.

我喜歡跟她說話, 我覺的我們二個頻率相同.

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6. Not at all.


這句話通常是用來回答別人的問題, 例如別人問你, "Do you like American food?" 你就可以回答 "Not at all". 這句話強調出一點也不喜歡.  如果只說 "No, I don't like it." 可能多少還會吃一點, 可是 "Not at all" 可能就是連吃都不會想去吃了, 算是全部否定對方的回答.

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1. Not me.


嘿... 沒想到這麼簡單吧! 這種看似簡單, 文法也不對的句子, 卻是老美天天掛在嘴邊的話. 這句話簡單明瞭, 而且把重點 "不是我" 給強調出來. 這是非常好的一個句子. 記得昨天去看新出來的電影 007, The world is not enough. 當 James Bond 開始在懷疑石油大王的女兒 ( Sophie Marceau )是否一手自導自演這整齣戲時, 她就說了這一句, "Not me" 另外, 老美也很喜歡講 "Wasn't me." 這跟 "Not me."   都是一樣的意思, 同樣強調這不是我幹的.

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6. Everybody picks up whatever you want.


在老美家吃飯, 一般都是 buffet 的型式, 一人一個盤子, 要吃什麼自己拿.  所以開動了, 主人就會說, Everybody picks up whatever you want.  個人感覺, whatever 一般我們都不太會用, 其實 whatever 就相當於 "隨便什麼都可以" 的意思.  還有這裏他們用 pick up 這個動詞我覺得也值得學一學.
7. I bought a cake about this big!


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1. Are you alone?


各位有沒有這樣的經驗, 把一句話直接從中文翻成英文結果怎麼聽也不順, 後來聽老美一說, 才恍然大悟, 原來這麼簡單啊? 我自己就常有這樣的感覺.   像這句話, 我自己的直覺反應會說成: Are you only one person? 或是 Do you come here by yourself? 其實老美簡簡單單用 alone 一個字就可以代表你好幾個字.!

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A Muslim girl holds a balloon during a morning prayer marking the Eid al-Adha holiday on a street in Jakarta, Indonesia on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Traditionally, Muslims all over the world slaughter cattle and goats, with some distributing the meat to the needy, during the holiday which honors the prophet Abraham for preparing to sacrifice his son Ishmael on the order of God, who was testing his faith. (AP)

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An Olive Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) swims at Ixtapilla Beach in Aquila municipality on the Pacific coast of Michoacan State, Mexico, on Sunday, Oct. 13. According to the residents of the area, more than 1000 turtles are expected to arrive in the area daily this season. (AFP)

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The Kansas University mascot pretends to peer through a camera borrowed from a member of the media as the Kansas football team nears the end zone in an NCAA college football game against TCU in Fort Worth, Texas on Saturday, Oct. 12. (AP)

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Kids have fun playing in sandbox in a beach-themed room at a government-run daycare center in Xindian, New Taipei City, yesterday. It was the first day of operation at the center, which is located inside the Xinhe Elementary School. (CNA)

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A nun passes trough a bronze door as a Swiss guard stands at attention at the Vatican on Monday, Oct. 7. (AFP)

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A model displays an elaborate headdress and flowing mantle designed by fashion designer Sonali at the annual HSBC Resort fashion week in Galle, Sri Lanka, on Oct. 6, 2013. (AFP)

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A participant is terrified by a "zombie" soldier in a forest section during one of Britain's biggest horror events, the "Zombie Evacuation Race" at Carver Barracks near Saffron Walden, England, on Saturday, Oct. 5. The race sees thousands of participants attempt to complete a grueling 5-kilometer cross-country run while evading "zombies" who are intent on snatching the three "life-line" strips hanging from every runner's waist. (AFP)

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A Bangladeshi idol-maker puts the finishing touches on a clay statue of the Hindu goddess Durga in a temple in Dhaka on Wednesday, Oct. 2. The annual five-day Hindu festival worships the goddess Durga, who symbolizes power and the triumph of good over evil in Hindu mythology. (AFP)

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In this 2008 file photo, South Korean director and pacifist Jang We-seok stands nude in front of a tank to signify his opposition to South Korea's Armed Forces Day. On Tuesday, Oct. 1, Kang ran naked in the War Memorial of Korea opposite South Korea's defense ministry in Seoul to lodge the same protest, according to media reports. (CNA)

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Indian artists dressed as characters in the Hindu epic Ramayana wait to participate in a procession as part of Dussehra festival celebrations in Allahabad, India on Monday, Sept. 30. The Hindu festival Dussehra commemorates the triumph of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana, marking the victory of good over evil. (AP)

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Feng Tao-hsien (馮桃鮮) yesterday poses for a photo beside a life-sized cardboard cut-out of her twenty-something-year-old self. Feng was invited as a special guest to attend "A Centenary Exhibition of Taiwan's Transportation Archives" at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. She was a member of the first generation of on-board service attendants for Golden Horse Express Buses (金馬號), later renamed Kuo-Kwang Limousine Buses (國光號). (CNA)

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A woman plays with pigeons during a meditation day for Peace in Colombia at the Bolivar Square in Bogota on Saturday, Sept. 28. (AFP)

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