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British actor Alan Rickman, a classically trained stage star and sensual screen villain in the ``Harry Potter’’ saga and other films, has died. He was 69.


Rickman’s family said that the actor died early Thursday in London after a battle with cancer.


Daniel Radcliffe, who played opposite Rickman in eight ``Harry Potter’’ films, said Rickman was ``undoubtedly one of the greatest actors I will ever work with.’’ Born to a working-class London family in 1946 and trained at the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Rickman was often cast as the bad guy; with his rich, languid voice he could invest evil with wicked, irresistible relish.

在8集「哈利波特」電影中扮演瑞克曼對手的丹尼爾.雷德克里夫說,瑞克曼「無疑是我曾合作過最偉大的演員之一」。1946年出生在倫敦工人階級家庭,並在 夙負盛名的英國皇家戲劇藝術學院接受訓練,瑞克曼經常扮演壞人;擁有深沉、慵懶的嗓音,他可以讓壞人增添幾分邪惡感、難以抵抗的誘惑力。

His breakout role was as scheming French aristocrat the Vicomte de Valmont in an acclaimed 1985 Royal Shakespeare Company production of Christopher Hampton’s ``Les Liaisons Dangereuses.’’ Film roles included Hans Gruber, the psychopathic villain who tormented Bruce Willis in ``Die Hard’’ in 1988. Millions know him from the Potter films, in which he played Hogwarts teacher Severus Snape. (AP)

他一鳴驚人的角色,是於1985年廣受好評的皇家莎士比亞劇團製作的克里斯多夫.漢普頓改編版的「危險關係」中,演出詭計多端的法國貴族凡爾蒙子爵角色。 電影角色包括漢斯.葛魯伯,在1988年電影「終極警探」中與布魯斯.威利纏鬥的那個精神不正常的壞人。許多人是從「哈利波特」電影認識他,他扮演魔法學 校霍格華茲的教師賽佛勒斯.石內卜。(美聯社)


villain:名詞,壞人。例句:He was cast as the villain in the play. (他在戲裡扮演反派角色。)

acclaimed:形容詞,受到讚揚的。例如:a highly acclaimed novel(一部受到高度讚揚的小說)

torment:動詞,糾纏。例句:She torments everyone with her silly questions.(她用那些愚蠢的問題糾纏每一個人。)

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