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SOCHI, Russia--A record number of world dignitaries are coming to the Sochi Olympics, triple the amount that attended the 2010 Vancouver Games, Russian organizers said Thursday on the eve of the opening ceremony.

Dmitry Chernyshenko, head of the Sochi organizing committee, told the IOC that 65 heads of state and government and international organizations are expected to attend Russia's first Winter Olympics.

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嚴格的文法學家堅稱 for free 的文法錯誤,所以下句的文法有誤:

  • She got her new book for free. (她免費獲得新書)

他們抱持的理由是,for 是 in exchange for 的簡寫,而 free 是 free of charge 的簡寫。所以,兩者若完整地寫出,那麼就變成 in exchange for free of charge,如果這不是文法錯誤,什麼才是文法錯誤呢?

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tow * away +
拖吊 (尤指違規停放的車輛)

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By and by 通常當副詞片語用,意為「不久 (after a while);很快 (soon)」,如 Sam will come back by and by. (山姆不久就會回來);By and by the sun began to appear. (不久太陽開始出現)。但 by and by 亦可當名詞用,意為「未來,將來 (future)」,與 future 一樣,其前都要有定冠詞 the,且表示單數的概念,而且為了避免混淆,這片語通常加連字號,如 Most science fiction stories are set in the by-and-by. (大多數科幻小說都是以未來為背景);Last night I told my wife about my plans for the by-and-by. (昨晚我告訴我太太有關未來的計畫)。

By the by 意為「對了;順便一提 (incidentally, by the way)」,如 I have to go now. By the by, if you want that book, I’ll bring it next time. (我要走了。對了,如果你要那本書,我下次帶給你);By the by I have something to tell you. (我順便有件事要告訴你)。

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英文:scam gang (n.)

說明:scam 這個字可當名詞和動詞用,意為「詐騙 (錢財)」。電話詐騙集團叫做 phone scam gang,而詐騙電話為 scam phone call。

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(名詞) 繁忙的現代都市生活方式。

  • Bill’s tired of the rat race. He’s quitting his job and moving to a cabin in the woods. (比爾已厭倦繁忙的現代都市生活方式。他將辭去工作,搬到林中的小木屋)


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come out in the wash

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四季的英文通常不大寫,除非它們是專有名詞的一部份。不過,根據一項古早的規則,spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter 若被擬人化,則它們應該大寫。例如:

  • I enjoy the feeling of being kissed by Winter’s icy breath. (我喜歡被冬天冰冷氣息親吻的感覺) (正) - Winter 擬人化,所以大寫。
  • Where are you going this winter? (今年冬天你要去哪裡?) (正) - winter 未擬人化,應小寫。
  • The closer Autumn’s step is, the more the falling leaves are. (秋天的腳步越近,落葉也越多) (正) - Autumn 擬人化,所以大寫。
  • The trees were all the colors of autumn. (這些樹木一片秋色) (正) - autumn 未擬人化,應小寫。
  • It was a cold, sunny day in early Spring. (那是早春裡寒冷而陽光燦爛的一天) (誤) - spring 未擬人化,所以應小寫。


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註:除了 a 和 the 之外,bag 的前面也可用所有格,且經常用 whole 來修飾。不過,這成語也可用來指負面的很多做壞事的手法。

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Balmy 這個形容詞意為「(空氣、天氣等) 溫和的,溫暖的,和煦的,宜人的」,如 a balmy summer night (溫暖的夏夜);balmy weather (宜人的天氣)。Balmy 跟 balm (藥膏) 有關。可以用 balmy 來形容的東西,一般認為都具有治療功用。Balmy 跟 balm 一樣,l 都不發音。

Balmy 也有「傻乎乎的;精神有些錯亂的;瘋瘋癲癲的」意思,但這意思現在往往被 barmy 所取代,如 Tony must be barmy to go out playing basketball in cold weather like this. (這樣寒冷的天氣還出去打籃球,東尼一定是瘋了)。Barmy 在英國及北美以外的英語系國家頗為常見,但在美國和加拿大非常罕見。Balmy 在任何國家通常都是被用來表示「溫和的,溫暖的,和煦的,宜人的」意思。

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英文:breathe down someone’s neck (v.)


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  • Feb 01 Sat 2014 11:29
  • hecka

(副詞) 非常;極其;真正地。

  • That car is hecka cool. (那部車很酷)
  • Henry is hecka stupid. (亨利很蠢/真笨)
  • I hecka admire you. (我真的仰慕你)
  • You have to be hecka smart to pass this test. (你必須極為聰明才能通過這項測驗)


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A:不可以! 大多數人可能都認為,由於 all of + 名詞時,of 可以省略 (both of 和 half of 的情況亦然),因此在所有 all of 的句型或用法中,都可以將 of 省略,非也! 這僅適用於 all of 後接 the, our, your, this, those, his, her 等限定詞、再接名詞的情況,若是接 us, you, them, it, him 和 her 等 (受格) 代名詞,那麼 of 就不能省略,否則就大錯特錯了。例如:

  • All of you must go there. (正) (你們所有人都要去那裡)
  • I want to invite all of them. (正) (我想邀請他們全部)
  • A: Where is my cake? (我的蛋糕哪裡去了?)

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toss * about/around +

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這兩個皆用於正式場合的及物動詞,拼字雖只有一個字母之差,但意思卻截然不同。Abjure 意為「公開或鄭重宣佈放棄 (主張、信仰、權利、國籍等)」,而 adjure 意為「鄭重要求,懇求」。

Abjure 的直接受詞一定是事物,而 adjure 的直接受詞則一定是人。例如:

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英文:on an empty stomach (phr.)

說明:英文中由 stomach 所構成的慣用語不在少數,如 have/get butterflies in one’s stomach (緊張不安;心神不寧) 也是其中之一。

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(動詞) 嘔吐 (to vomit)。

  • Bruce could hear his roommate in the bathroom laughing at the floor/ground/toilet. (布魯斯可以聽到他的室友在浴室嘔吐的聲音)


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Prints are laid out for the "Inside Out" project by Parisian street artist and photographer JR to turn the "Palais de Tokyo" Museum of Modern Art square into a giant portrait gallery in Paris on Friday, Nov. 8. JR set up a photo truck in the square to take portraits of people and instantly print them on giant posters, after which they are pasted on the walls and floor. (AP)

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