目前分類:未分類文章 (3373)
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 11:01
Comics 107
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 11:00
Comics 106
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:57
Comics 105
最不討人喜愛的規則 今日不販售酒類 藍色法規 墨菲定律 牛頓物理定律 「我才不管那聞起來像什麼東西,給我吃掉!」柯爾的規則(譯註:在本漫畫中,Blue Law 指週日禁止飲酒和娛樂的法規;Murphy's Law 指事情如果變壞,它就會變壞的墨菲定律;Newton's Law 指牛頓的物理定律;Cole's Law 這兩個字連在一起唸的讀音很像 coleslaw 涼拌捲心菜這道菜。)
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:56
Comics 104
「妳甚至不會有感覺的,甜心!」「別安慰我了,媽咪。」在此穿耳洞(譯註:to butter up 是「討好、奉承」的意思,但也有「淋上奶油」的意思。此外,ear 在本漫畫中是「耳朵」和「玉蜀黍穗」一語雙關。)
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:54
Comics 103
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:53
Comics 102
「親愛的,爐子在嗶嗶叫了。」「那表示晚餐還沒好。」嗶嗶 走鵑巴馬乾酪(譯註:本漫畫影射華納公司 Looney Tunes 與 Merrie Melodies 卡通中的角色 Road Runner 和 Wile E. Coyote。烤箱在食物快要烤好時,會發出嗶嗶聲來提醒人們,不過 Road Runner 也會嗶嗶叫,因此食物還沒烤好。)
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:51
Comics 101
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:49
分秒必爭 下
6. It took me a while to figure out how to do this problem.
我花了好一會兒才想出如何作這個問題. 花了多少時間要用 take 或 spend, 但二者所用的主詞不同, 動詞型式也不同. Ttake 需要使用虛主詞 it, 動詞要用 to V, 例如我花了五小時作功課就是 "It took me five hours to do the homework." 但如果要用 spend 的話, 則必須用人當主詞, 動詞要使用 Ving 的型式 (因為 Ving 前省略掉了一個介系詞 in.) 例如, "I spent five hours doing my homework." 這二者的句型是截然不同. |
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:46
分秒必爭 上
1. The homework is due two weeks from Monday.
這個作業在二個星期後的星期一交. 在英文中要提到下星期一可以用 next Monday, 下下星期一偷懶的話可以說 next next Moday. 但是有時候這種說法並不是很明確. 例如今天是星期日, 那 next Monday 倒底是指明天的那個星期一呢? 還是指一星期後的那個星期一呢? 所以為了要區別二者間的不同, 明天的那個星期一可以說 coming Monday,而一個星期後的星期一則是 one week from Monday. 這樣子就很明確, 而且也比較靈活. 像三個星期後的星期一你總不能說 next next next Moday 吧? 這時用 three weeks from Monday 就沒錯了. |
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:44
辦公室電話英語 下
6. She is not here but you can call her machine.
她不在這裏, 但是妳可以打她的電話答錄機. 老美管電話答錄機叫 answering machine 或是也有少數人叫 answer machine. 但是在一般的對話中常常簡稱 machine. 例如 "You can call her machine." 就是說, 你可以打她的電話答錄機留言. 或是你打電話給某人, 但你想他很可能不在, 這時你就可以說, "I'm expecting a machine." (我想會是電話答錄機接的電話.) 如果是 "I want to check on my machine." 則是說我要檢查電話答錄機裏的留言. |
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:40
辦公室電話英語 上
1. ABC corporation. May I help you?
ABC 公司, 我能幫你什麼嗎? 這句話算是制式的講法. 一般接起電話的人通常會先報公司的名字 "ABC corporation", 然後再說, "May I help you?" 或是如果要更客氣一點的話則可以說 "How can I help you?" (我該怎麼幫你?), 因為這樣的問法表示我「該」怎麼幫你, 而非我「需不需要」幫你? 但基本上 "May I help you?" 跟 "How can I help you?" 都很常見就是了. |
- Feb 07 Fri 2014 15:34
了解 下
6. It's a piece of cake.
7. That's a no-brainer.
不用大腦, |
- Feb 07 Fri 2014 15:29
了解 上
1. I see.
我了解. 這是最常見的一種說法了, 通常別人跟我們說一件事, 而這件事是我們早就知道的, 我們也會很習慣地說, I see. 跟 I see 一樣常見的有. I understand. 或是他們會只說, Understand. 都是表示出了解的意思. |
- Feb 07 Fri 2014 15:24
- Feb 07 Fri 2014 15:05
'Hustle,' 'Gravity' lead Oscars with 10 nominations each II
The best actress nominees are Amy Adams (“American Hustle”), Cate Blanchett (“Blue Jasmine”), Sandra Bullock (“Gravity”), Judi Dench (“Philomena”) and Meryl Streep (“August: Osage County”).
With her nomination, Streep pads her record for most acting nominations. This is her 18th nod, including three wins, the last for 2011's “The Iron Lady.”
- Feb 07 Fri 2014 15:02
'Hustle,' 'Gravity' lead Oscars with 10 nominations each I
The Academy Awards appear to be the three-horse race many expected it would be, with “Gravity,” “American Hustle” and “12 Years a Slave” all receiving a heap of nominations.
The nominations for the 86th Academy Awards, announced Thursday morning in Beverly Hills, Calif., were led by the 3-D space odyssey “Gravity” and the con-artist caper “American Hustle,” both with 10 nominations. The harrowing historical epic “12 Years a Slave” trailed closely with nine nominations.
- Feb 07 Fri 2014 15:00
Rebooted patriot games in 'Jack Ryan' II
Ryan's investigation leads him to the Russian oligarch Viktor Cherevin, played by Kenneth Branagh, who also directed the film. Certainly, it takes a bite out of the nationalistic politics when the movie's villain is played by a knighted British actor known for his Shakespeare work.
Branagh endows his film with (mostly) old-fashioned competency — something often lacking in today's action films — but little to distinguish it from superior thrillers that have come before. The best thing here is the sleekness of modern Moscow, where much of the action takes place. The film is filled with a nighttime mix of neon and taillights set against the Kremlin and other monuments — a handsome enough rendering to send a viewer back to the recent Bond, “Skyfall,” for those elegant Shanghai scenes.