Although it was enjoyable to travel with her foreign guests, there was still some pressure on her and the production team because all of her guests were used to traveling the world. "To have the hosts come to Taiwan and to make them love it as much as we all do was a challenge for us. If these hosts can find something that they love in Taiwan then OK … we have done our job," Janet explained.
So far, Janet has taken most of the hosts around Taiwan and she thinks she has done a pretty good job of convincing them to fall in love with the country. Janet is also proud to say that many hosts told her that they didn't want to leave the island, not only on camera but off as well.
Janet said the experience of making "Fun Taiwan All-Stars" reaffirmed her faith in traveling. "For me, traveling is not so intimidating. Traveling is everything … people don't have to leave to travel since there is so much just around us. So traveling is just living with everything around you … For me, it is my playground and it is also my school … I've learned so much from everybody and from everything I have seen. Without traveling … I would not be who I am," she concluded.