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Research shows that if parents have tooth decay the chances are higher that their young ones will also have cavities. The dental plaque DNA of parents and children are nearly identical. Apart from physique and hereditary factors, if parents chew food before feeding it to their child, use the same eating utensils or kiss their child on the lips, it can also increase the risk of exposing a child to saliva that contains dental plaque streptococci. For the sake of your child’s dental health, parents are reminded to be wary about their own dental hygiene.

Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry president Tsai Yi-feng says that nearly 80 percent of Taiwanese children six years of age or younger have dental caries, which is significantly higher than Europe or America — 40 percent — and neighboring Asian countries — 57 percent. Tsai says that it is worth bearing in mind that more than 80 percent of Taiwanese adults also have tooth decay, which shows that tooth decay rates for children and adults are intimately related.

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Prices are on the rise again, making life more difficult for the poor. The Nantou County Government is expediting its plans for opening food banks. Some food will be made available as early as the beginning of April, while food stamps are expected to be available by the end of April and early May. Local government offices will be in charge of quickly supplying food stamps to the poor, who will then be able to exchange stamps for lunchbox meals and bread at convenience stores.

Prices increased once again during the Lantern Festival. Pork, eggs and nearly all daily goods have seen price fluctuations, putting a heavy burden on the poor. The first food bank in the entire county has been set up in Caotun Township. The number of people applying for aid since the Lunar New Year has skyrocketed. The local district office’s social affairs department says that by the end of last year less than 200 people had applied, while by the middle of this month 350 people had already applied this year.

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英文:action figure (n.)

說明:“action figure” 這個術語是由全球第二大玩具製造商,美國的孩之寶公司 (Hasbro) 於 1964 年首先創造出來的。

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(名詞)) 警察 (a police officer)。

  • Here come two jackets. Let’s run! (有兩個警察來了。我們快跑!)

(名詞)) 前科 (criminal records);服過刑或正在服刑者的監獄檔案或受刑人檔案。

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未來非事實條件句 + 進行式


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注意:過去非事實條件句 + 進行式,可以像過去進行式一樣,在虛構的情況中用來強調過去進行式的動作發生在過去某個時間點之前或過去同時進行中的動作。

If 子句的例句:

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過去非事實條件句 + 進行式


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現在非事實條件句 + 進行式

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Little 和 small 這兩個形容詞都有「小的;少的」意思,但它們的含意和用法卻有很大的差異,而且幾乎不能互換。譬如說,「洛伊絲有個小家庭」這句話的英文是 “Lois has a small family.”,句中的 small 不能用 little 來替換,因為僅 small 能表示家庭規模小的,即家庭人數少的意思。

Little 意為「小的;少的」,指形狀小、數量少、程度低、不重要等,且往往帶有感情色彩,含有小巧可愛的意味,如 My nephew is only twelve years old. He is too little to drive a car. (我姪子只有12歲大。他太小了,還不能開車);Mrs. Lee has a nice little vegetable garden. (李太太有個漂亮的小菜園);There are several little action figures on my desk. (我的書桌上有幾個小公仔)。

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英文:leave someone hanging (v.)

說明:這裡要表達的是「把某人晾在一邊」。這慣用語源自兩個人見面,其中一人舉手要擊掌 (high five),但另一人卻沒有舉手,使得前者舉起的手晾在半空中。

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(形容詞) 非常大。這個字是由 gigantic 和 enormous 組合而成。

  • Did you see that zit on Susan’s face? It was ginormous! (你有看到蘇珊臉上那顆青春痘嗎?好大一顆哦!)
  • His new house is ginormous. (他的新房子非常大)
  • That ship is the most ginormous ship I have ever seen! (那艘船是我所見過最大的船!) 


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wheel and deal (v.); wheeling and dealing (n.)

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well up
(液體、眼淚) 流出,湧出

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「讓人印象相當深刻的履歷表。」每日論壇報 編輯 主編 訃告

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「傑瑞賈西亞!你的永生怎麼樣呀?」「袍子太小了,光圈太大了,而且這把豎琴走音了。」『心懷感激的往生者個^#!$#』(譯註:本漫畫影射美國著名搖滾樂團 Grateful Dead「死之華合唱團」及其靈魂人物 Jerry Garcia。本漫畫將團名曲解成了「滿懷感激的往生者」,而 Jerry Garcia 的一連串抱怨顯然令上帝深感不滿。)

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「路克,我是你的…等一下…不,不…算了。」貝斯平星嬰兒檢測報告 案例號碼:01134715 無迷地原蟲吻合 遙遠遙遠銀河的親子鑑定報告出爐(譯註:Bespin 是《星際大戰》系列電影中的行星,midichlorian 迷地原蟲是決定生物體內 the Force 原力強弱的微小有機體。而在該系列電影中,天行者路克和黑武士原本是父子。)

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香皂 在使用髒話之後,小海倫凱勒被處罰了(譯註:以前在歐美國家,若小孩講話「出口成髒」的話,家長會警告要拿肥皂洗小孩的嘴巴作為懲罰,但美國已故身心障礙教育家海倫凱勒失聰且失明,因此她在本漫畫中由於寫了不雅的字眼而被罰洗手。)

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「沒錯,女士,我們會為您舖上我們最好的複合式屋瓦屋頂……在房子的屋頂。」『好啊。』冷血的屋頂建築業電訪人員確定時機恰當的停頓通常都是成功銷售的秘訣(譯註:打電話的人說 on the house 是指「在屋子的屋頂舖瓦」地意思,但是電話中的女士卻誤以為是要「免費」替她舖瓦之意。)

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