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「快看,亞帝的延髓超小的!哈哈!」「喂,阿亞,那是小腦嗎,還是你的枕葉長了痔瘡?」亞瑟似乎總是和戲弄大腦者處不來(譯註:brainteaser 本指促進腦力激盪的事物,但本漫畫則直譯理解成「嘲弄大腦者」。)

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瓦力旺卡的青花菜公司 關閉 威利事業沒那麼成功的小弟(譯註:本漫畫影射英國作家 Roald Dahl 曾被改編成電影的兒童文學名著《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》,而 Wally 工廠生意沒哥哥 Willy 那麼成功的原因,是因為小孩對巧克力的喜愛遠勝過青花菜。)

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「我以為是一隻鼴鼠。」(譯註:本漫畫影射電玩遊樂場內常見的 Whac-A-Mole 打地鼠遊戲。)

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「我以為你說她的課很簡單。」(譯註:本漫畫顛覆 as easy as pie (形容輕而易舉就能做到的東西)這個片語,因為這名數學老師正是一個 pie 派。)

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「你罹患了犬小病毒腸炎。」高飛狗的身世之謎終於在一場意外中解開了。(譯註:parvo 犬小病毒腸炎是一種犬類動物疾病,而有關迪士尼卡通角色 Goofy 是狗還是人的爭論仍在國外持續著。)

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「老大,IMAX 大銀幕裂開了,而且完全沒辦法使用了。」「唔嗯嗯…我們需要某個可以播放電影的東西。有沒有什麼想法?」金卡達夏終於找到有建設性的工作了(譯註:本漫畫影射以臀部大著稱的美國電視實境節目女明星 Kim Kardashian 金卡達夏。)

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成群結隊繞過石頭 支持八十八號提案,和我一起開始使用潔淨的能源! 投給七十號提案,讓我們的孩子在學校裡蠕動 鰻魚普選(譯註:本漫畫影射 electric eel 電鰻,因為 electorate 的讀音和 electric 近似。而 lamprey 八目鰻則是影射美國學校決定要求學生在校內禱告所引發的爭議。)

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Wu also says that most of the county’s coffee farmers only know how to grow coffee, not how to roast it or market it. Prior to holding the review, in order to help participants better understand how coffee is made and to improve overall quality, the county government requires everyone to take a three-hour class and select unroasted coffee berries during the event. The government hopes to develop a “Taitung coffee brand” that can eventually become Taiwan’s most famous coffee.

The local government had originally planned to collect coffee beans from the farmers and judge them in the middle of March. Each farmer has to hand over 20kg of beans with hulls intact. Taitung Coffee Industry Development Association president Liao Tien-cheng and local coffee farmer Chung Chang-hua say that this year’s cold weather has postponed the harvest by nearly a month. Coffee berries growing at middle to high altitudes have not been harvested yet, so they suggested deferring the event to a later date. Wu Hsiu-lan, the class president of a coffee production and marketing class in Changbin Township, says that Changbin only started growing coffee two years ago, and so she suggested allowing students to compete in the competition as groups representing their respective classes since the crop yield is so small.

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The Taitung County Government was originally scheduled to hold its countywide coffee review in the middle of March. Due to unexpected and recurrent cold waves, however, the harvest has been pushed back around a month, and the event has been moved to April 19 and 20. Registration has been extended to March 14.

There are around 16 coffee production and marketing classes offered in Taitung County, with approximately 200 students. Farmland in the county devoted to coffee production covers around 250 hectares, including Taitung City and Daren, Taimali, Beinan, Chishang, Chenggong and Changbin townships. The Taitung County Agriculture Department convened a meeting with farmers and production and marketing class representatives on Feb. 12 to discuss the schedule for the annual coffee review.

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About a dozen four-legged practitioners of stand-up paddle boarding took to the waves with their human owners off Rio de Janeiro’s Barra Beach, practicing for a second annual competition in which canine-human teams race around buoys.

“The idea started when I was on my board and my dog was tied up on the beach. I said to myself, ’Man he wants to come to the water!’ so I put him on the board and he loved it,” said Marco Sarnelli, the event organizer.

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Two Czechs have breathed new life into telephone booths made obsolete in the cellphone age, converting them into mini libraries with the first installed at a Prague hospital recently.

On the shelves of the red booth, patients of the IKEM hospital will find a plethora of genres, including works by US crime writer John Grisham, Czech and Russian titles and biographer Andrew Morton’s Diana: Her True Story.

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Dairy cows with a serious case of flatulence have simultaneously “broken wind” and blown up a building in a fiery explosion.

No doubt there were all sorts of “whoever smelt it dealt it” accusations flying around amongst the herd afterwards.

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Best documentary went to the crowd-pleasing backup singer ode “20 Feet From Stardom” (聚光燈外二十呎). One of its stars, Darlene Love, accepted the award singing the gospel tune “His Eye Is on the Sparrow”: “I sing because I'm happy/ I sing because I'm free.”

Disney's global hit “Frozen” (冰雪奇緣) won best animated film, marking — somewhat remarkably — the studio's first win in the 14 years of the best animated feature category. (Pixar, which Disney owns, has regularly dominated.) The film's hit single, “Let It Go,” won best original song.

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Leto passed around his Oscar to members of the press backstage, urging them to “fondle” it. The long-haired actor, who has devoted himself in recent years to his rock band 30 Seconds to Mars, gravely vowed: “I will revel tonight.”

Cate Blanchett took best actress for her fallen socialite in Woody Allen's “Blue Jasmine” (藍色茉莉), her second Oscar. Accepting the award, she challenged Hollywood not to think of films starring women as “niche experiences”: “The world is round, people!” she declared to hearty applause.

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LOS ANGELES -- Hollywood named the brutal, unshrinking historical drama “12 Years a Slave” (自由之心) best picture at the 86th annual Academy Awards.

Steve McQueen's slavery odyssey, based on Solomon Northup's 1853 memoir, has been hailed as a landmark corrective to the movie industry's virtual blindness to slavery, instead creating whiter tales like 1940 best-picture winner “Gone With the Wind” (飄). “12 Years a Slave” is the first best-picture winner directed by a black filmmaker.

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