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Taking a picture to help you remember something might end up having the opposite effect, according to research published in the US.

A study released last December showed that people who took photographs of items during a museum tour were less likely to remember details than those who merely looked at the objects.

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Until she introduced “magic cheese” to her sick and aging bulldog, Laura Bugni-Daniel watched him suffer for two years. He would spend his days lying down or throwing up.

Today, at age 12, he plays like a puppy through the day, his fur is soft and he sleeps at night, soothed not by magic, but by the dose of marijuana in that cheese.

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Over a thousand honeybees forming an elliptical shape as they gather on a cherry tree instead of staying in a beehive was something that farm owner Tsai Cheng-ming had never seen in the several decades that he has lived on Jinjhen Mountain in Taitung County’s Taimali Township. After observing the bees for nearly two hours, the following day when he went back the bees were nowhere to be found. Tsai Nu-jen, head of Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station’s Department of Crop Environment, says that this is a natural swarming phenomenon among China’s wild honeybees, typically occurring in the spring. It means that the local ecological environment is doing well, he says.

Tsai Cheng-ming, owner of Chingshan Farm on Jinjhen Mountain, says that on the morning of Feb. 23 when he was cleaning up his farm he came across a ball-shaped object on a tree by the side of the road. After walking closer to it, he discovered that it was a swarm of over a thousand bees. The “ball of bees” was squirming around on the 3m-tall cherry tree, approximately 1.5 from the ground, Tsai says, adding that the elliptical shape was about 20cm in diameter.

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Municipalities hosting ancient castles around Japan are under siege as aging castle towers restored in the post-World War II economic boom are in desperate need of replacement or refurbishment.

While some localities are ready to renovate existing concrete castle towers, others are hoping to fund the much pricier recreation of the wooden structures that originally stood long ago.

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Malaysian officials are denying accusations they have provided inconsistent information on a missing jetliner with 239 people on board, as the search for the plane entered its fifth day.

Transport Minister Seri Hishammuddin said Malaysia is dealing with an "unprecedented" situation and will do "whatever it takes" to find the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that went missing Saturday.

"My heart reaches out to the families of the passengers and crew, and I give you my assurance that we will not reduce the tempo and that we will not spare any effort to find the missing plane."

At a news conference Wednesday, the minister said 42 ships and 39 aircraft from 12 countries have so far "found nothing" in their search, which now spans over 50,000 kilometers.

He said the focus is both on the South China Sea, where the plane was last tracked by civilian air traffic controllers, and the Strait of Malacca, which is across the Malaysian peninsula and several hundred kilometers away.

Earlier Wednesday, the Malaysian military backed away from statements that it last tracked the plane in the strait, which is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.

At the news conference, a military official said the plane may have been spotted on radar at 2:15 a.m. Saturday local time 320 kilometers northwest of the Malaysian island of Penang. But, the official said, he cannot be sure it was indeed the flight in question.

If the plane did make it to the Strait of Malacca, it would call into question theories that the jet experienced some sort of sudden catastrophic event shortly after takeoff that prevented pilots from communicating with authorities.

The plane disappeared from civilian radar without any distress calls about an hour after leaving Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing early Saturday, when weather conditions appeared to be clear.


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空手道(日文的意思是"open hand"張開雙手)是武術的一種,它是使用一系列的踢、打、膝蓋和肘擊的驚人藝術。


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「你把你的黑眼豆子吃掉了嗎?」「是的,克萊倫絲。」「它們味道如何?」「『菲』常美味。」人魔漢尼拔的新年慣例(譯註:本漫畫影射經典恐怖電影《The Silence of the Lambs》﹙沉默的羔羊﹚中會吃人肉的殺人魔心理醫師 Hannibal Lecter,而《Fergalicious》本指美國知名流行樂團 Black Eyed Peas 的主唱 Fergie 菲姬的歌曲,而 Hannibal 在此這麼說是指這位女歌手十分美味。吃黑眼豆則是美國南部過新年的傳統習俗。)

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「那是什麼意思?」「我猜是『你需要的就是愛情』吧。」我會挖鼻孔 中國人刺青(譯註:本漫畫暗諷歐美人喜歡刺中國字的刺青,但卻不懂刺的字是什麼意思,進而鬧出許多笑話的情況。)

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「伊格?布萊恩?你們兩個在這裡幹什麼?」腦 腳 心臟(譯註:伊格一把揪住的男子名叫 Brian,而 Brian 的讀音和 brain 腦相近。)

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「跟著那輛計程車!」「那是罐梅洛紅酒。」計程車 梅洛紅酒 計程車(譯註:在本漫畫中,cab 是「計程車」和紅酒 Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠一語雙關。)

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「你說什麼?」「沒辦法…說…喉炎…」「喂…我本來以為那跟馬術治療師有關。」「我也是。」(譯註:horse whisperer 本指「以輕聲細語訓練馬匹的訓練師」,不過 horse 在這裡改成了讀音相近的 hoarse 聲音沙啞的。)

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