A Paris court handed down the fine to Jean-Marie Molitor, boss of the Minute weekly for making insulting racist statements in public.
In November, the weekly featured on its front cover a picture of Justice Minister Christiane Taubira with headlines that read: "Crafty as a monkey" and "Taubira gets her banana back".
The text was deliberately ambiguous: the term "crafty as a monkey" in French can be used as praise while getting your banana back is roughly the equivalent of recovering the spring in your step.
Taubira herself described the newspaper’s words as "extremely violent" and "denying she belonged to the human race".
The provocative cover page was an obvious reference to two other cases of Taubira being publicly likened to a monkey, incidents which sparked outrage in France amid a perceived surge in intolerance.
Judges ruled that in this context, the magazine must have been aware that they were "reviving the argument rather than calming it" and that "reiterating these allusions to a primate could even been seen as an additional provocation."
hand down:動詞片語,指傳遞下來、正式宣佈。例句:He wants to hand down his knowledge from generation to generation.(他想讓自己的知識代代相傳。)
(walk with / have)a spring in your step:指雀躍邁步。例句:As he walked into the office that morning, there was a spring in his step.(那天早上,他以雀躍步伐走進辦公室。)
reference:名詞,指提及、涉及、參考、查閱、關聯。例句:I made a reference to a dictionary before replying to you.(我回覆你前曾參考字典。)
宏浩翻譯 引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=828357&day=2014-11-08