A spice commonly found in curries may boost the brain’s ability to heal itself, according to a report in the journal Stem Cell Research and Therapy. The German study suggests a compound found in turmeric could encourage the growth of nerve cells thought to be part of the brain’s repair kit.
Scientists say this work, based in rats, may pave the way for future drugs for strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. But they say more trials are needed to see whether this applies to humans.
Researchers from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Julich, Germany, studied the effects of aromatic-turmerone - a compound found naturally in turmeric.
Rats were injected with the compound and their brains were then scanned. Particular parts of the brain, known to be involved in nerve cell growth, were seen to be more active after the aromatic-turmerone infusion.
Scientists say the compound may encourage a proliferation of brain cells.
encourage: 動詞,鼓勵、促進。例句:The council is encouraging the development of the property for both employment and recreation.(委員會為了增加就業和娛樂設施,鼓勵房地產開發。)
infusion:名詞,注入、泡製。例句:An infusion of $100,000 into the company is required.(公司需要挹注10萬美元資金。)
proliferation:名詞,激增。例句:Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.(小企業在過去10年間大量湧現。)
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