University of Minnesota officials are knocking down a tweet claiming its researchers say Ebola is airborne.
University spokeswoman Caroline Marin told the Star Tribune in Minneapolis that the university never made such a claim.
In fact, the tweet refers to a commentary posted a month ago on a university website that was written by Chicago-based researchers who were debating Ebola’s "potential to be transmitted" to health workers by aerosolized virus particles, and thus what protective gear they should wear.
World health authorities have been clear that Ebola is transmitted through direct contact with bodily fluids, and that blood, vomit and feces carry the most virus.
What if a sick person’s wet sneeze hits your hand and then you absentmindedly rub your eyes? Asked about such scenarios recently, Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, allowed that, theoretically, "it would not be impossible" to catch the virus that way. But it’s considered highly unlikely. No such case has been documented.
knock down:動詞片語,指擊倒、駁斥、拆卸、拍賣出、大幅降價。例句:He tried to persuade her to knock down the price of the apartment.(他嘗試說服她降低公寓的價格。)
airborne:形容詞,指空運的、空降的、以風為媒介的、空中傳播的。例句:She is allergic to airborne pollen.(她對空氣中的花粉過敏。)
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