If you happen to unearth treasure worth even as little as 10 rupees (16 U.S. cents) in India, don’t even think of pocketing it - that’s because under a law introduced by the former British colonial rulers, it still belongs to "Her Majesty".
Now, however, the Treasure Trove Act of 1878 and nearly 300 other outdated laws are set to be repealed in the largest-ever cull of rules that make India one of the most puzzling places in the world to do business.
New Prime Minister Narendra Modi is hoping that less regulation and faster decision-making will lift India from its ranking of 134 out of 189 countries on the World Bank’s ease of doing business table into the top 50 and attract investors.
On the chopping block along with the Treasure Trove Act is an 1838 law that says property in an area of the former imperial capital of Calcutta can only be sold to the East India Company, which laid the foundations of the British Empire but ceased to exist more than 150 years ago. (Reuters)
unearth:動詞,(從地下)挖出、發掘、找到、發現。例句:They unearthed an old document to solve the mystery of this murder case.(他們找到了一份舊文件,以解開謀殺案的謎團。)
repeal:動詞,廢除(法令)、撤銷、取消,也可作名詞。例句:The society urges to repeal the year-end bonus of retired civil servants.(社會疾呼廢除退休公務員的年終慰問金。)
cease:動詞,停止、中止。例句:The president ordered to cease fire.(總統下令停火。)
宏浩翻譯 引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=830600&day=2014-11-16