Busy? Loaded? "Seeking a place to talk about fine wine, fancy cars and lucrative business decisions without judgment" ? Netropolitan.club may be looking for you.
We all are cognizant and of course, addicted to some extent to the illustrious social networking site facebook aka FB. But with each passing day, FB is losing its charm and many a time we feel fatigued using it.
Is FB really seemed to get common for your taste? Yes?? Then whip off your credit cards and join NetropolitanClub, a social network for the rich peoples, Facebook for rich people!
The one thing that rich people love more to flaunt than having money is to talk how much money they have than others. Thus, the country clubs, golf courses, gentleman’s club got existed and now, to flaunt more wealth, an exclusive social network that costs $9,000 to join, plus $3,000 per year called NetropolitanClub came into existence.
Once you are confirmed as a part of Lucullan crowd you can do things like post a status message, create new group and join discussions on the site.
For the most part, it is similar like Facebook except without the beset of less wealthy people chocking up your feed.
loaded:(俚語)形容詞,非常有錢的。例句:Look at Josh’s Ferrari! He must be loaded.(看看喬許的法拉利!他一定很有錢。)
flaunt:動詞,炫耀、招搖。另有搔首弄姿、飄揚之意。例句:He is flaunting his fancy car again.(他又在炫耀他的高級名車。)
Lucullan:形容詞,富裕的、奢華的。例句:We enjoyed Lucullan food and wines that night.(我們那天晚上享受了奢華美食和美酒。)
宏浩翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=828820&day=2014-11-10