Call it digital-age diplomacy.
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping a Russian smartphone, the dual-screen YotaPhone 2, when they met in Beijing at APEC, according to local media reports.
In an online video, Mr. Xi examines the phone’s two screens and thanks Putin. "Do we have any cooperation on this?" Mr. Xi asks through a translator, gesturing at the device.
"There will be," Mr. Putin says.
It’s an apt gift for China’s leader, who himself has given out Chinese ZTE smartphones as gifts this year to officials in countries like Tajikistan.
Electronics gifts are an especially good publicity move in China, where the public is rabidly interested in their leaders’ phone choice.
In the case of the YotaPhone 2, Xi might want to think twice before actually using the device—and not only for the sake of patriotic appearances. Russia’s state-run defense company Rostec took a 25% stake in the phone’s maker, Yota Devices, this year.
不過,以YotaPhone 2來說,習近平實際使用前或許要三思,而不止是為了愛用國貨。俄羅斯國營防衛公司Rostec今年擁有這款手機製造商Yota設備公司的25%股權。
China has been hyper-alert about the possibility of foreign cyberspying since Edward Snowden’s revelations of the U.S. spying tactics.
apt: 形容詞,適合的、傾向的、易於的。例句:Some studies showed that older drivers are more apt to be involved in car accidents.(有些研究顯示,年紀較大的駕駛人容易發生車禍。)
make waves:動詞片語,興風作浪、製造問題、惹麻煩、引起騷動。例句:He was warned not to make waves.(他被告誡過不要興風作浪。)
for the sake of:介系詞,因為(某人、某事)的緣故,為了滿足(某人、某事),看在(某人、某事)的份上。例句:Ross quit smoking for the sake of his children’s health.(羅斯為了他孩子的健康著想戒菸了。)