Police in suburban Cincinnati are on the lookout for a bald man they say has been stealing hair growth and memory aid products from stores.
Mount Healthy police have issued an alert for "a serial thief" they say recently took $847 worth of Rogaine and Prevagen products from a Walgreens store in the city just north of Cincinnati. Police say he is linked to similar thefts from retailers in nearby suburbs.
They’re not sure if he’s using any of the products himself but suspect he tries to sell them online or at flea markets.
Mount Healthy Detective Chris Jones tells WCPO-TV that police are "scratching our heads at this, no pun intended," over the Rogaine thefts. (AP)
scratch one’s head:慣用語,字面意義為抓頭,用來表現感到困惑,百思不解。例句:A lot of people must be scratching their heads and trying to figure out what happened.(很多人一定百思不解,想搞清楚到底發生什麼事。)
on the lookout (for someone or something):慣用語,警戒,注意。
no pun intended:慣用語,沒別的意思,不是故意要講雙關語或俏皮話虧人,但其實就是在虧人,卻故意說這句話來撇清,亦即「此地無銀三百兩」。本文範例顯 示,警察明知禿頭竊賊偷了生髮劑,刻意使用字面意義為「抓頭」的慣用語形容對案情不解,還多此一舉地說他們「沒別的意思」,事實上就是在虧禿頭小偷。例 句:There’s no chance that pun was unintentional. (雙關語絕對都是刻意的啦。)
宏浩翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=989381&day=2016-05-13