A previously unknown female Chihuahua named Frida has won her first political office, being named Mayor of San Francisco for the day as part of a campaign to support the city’s animal shelter.
Frida, whose owner bid $5,000 for the privilege, will spend her special day touring Bay Area landmarks and receiving a commendation from the Board of Supervisors, according to a spokeswoman with the city and county Department of Animal Care and Control said.
Her honor will then be shown around city hall and presented with a retirement package that includes a doggy bed, gift basket and play products.
"We applaud Mayor Frida’s ability to rise above her humble start as a single mom in an animal shelter to Mayor for the Day," said Miriam Saez, acting director of the Animal Care and Control department.
Last November the city of San Francisco transformed itself into the fictional Gotham City so that a little boy could celebrate his win against cancer by becoming "Bat Kid" for the day.(Reuters)
Every dog has its day:諺語,字面上的意思是「每隻狗都有好運的一天」,意指每個人都會有成功的一日、風水輪流轉。
bid:動詞,指出價、投標,或努力嘗試;名詞,指喊價、企圖爭取。例句:Sydney won its bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games.(雪梨成功贏取2000年奧林匹克運動會主辦權。)
rise above:動詞片語,指不受影響、超越、克服。例句:He tries to rise above circumstance.(他試圖不受環境制約。)
宏浩翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=834570&day=2014-11-29