Indonesian president-elect Joko Widodo’s on Thursday said tackling a big fuel subsidy bill will have to wait until his October inauguration, after the outgoing leader indicated conditions were not right to raise fuel prices.
Widodo had hoped to fast-track a fuel price increase to address a widening current account deficit and faltering investor confidence in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.
Fuel subsidies cost the government about $20 billion a year, or nearly 20 percent of its total budget. But raising fuel prices is a sensitive issue that could spark protests against Widodo’s government just after he takes office.
Any increase in fuel prices is likely to hit hardest the nearly 40 percent of Indonesians who live under or near the poverty line and, according to Widodo’s advisers, will be accompanied by a compensation package for the poor.
"I am ready to be unpopular but we should know that as we cut subsidies, those should be channelled towards productive businesses," Widodo told reporters in Jakarta.
outgoing:形容詞,即將離去的、個性直率的。例句:The election winner will succeed outgoing president on June 15th.(選戰的贏家將在6月15日接替將離任的總統大位。)
deficit:名詞,赤字、虧損。例句:The government faces a deficit of $5 billion.(政府面臨50億美元的赤字。)
poverty line:名詞,貧窮線。例句:There are 32 million people live below the poverty line in Indonesia.(印尼有3200萬人生活在貧窮線之下