Sanrio, the Japanese company behind Hello Kitty, revealed that despite looking like a cat, the global icon of cute is actually a female called Kitty White.
But the news didn’t go down well with one furious fan known only as Lou.
It appears the youngster has her hopes and dreams dashed when she was told the news.
The youngster chose to vent her frustrations in a hilarious YouTube video uploaded yesterday by her mother.
Clearly distressed with tears in her eyes, she said: "I hate it - she looks like a cat, she cannot be a human, she is a cat that acts like a human like on cartoons!"
The clip was posted on YouTube by user Wizardofrum who wrote: "My daughter didn’t appreciate the truth about Hello Kitty. I didn’t know she wasn’t a cat either, poor girl."
However, at the very end of the video she realises she may have gone too far in her critiscism and warned her mum not to put the clip on Facebook.
Unfortunately for her, her mother chose to post it on YouTube.
go down (with):動詞片語,以某種方式被接受、看待或記錄。例句:Our new products go down well with customers.(客戶對我們的新產品反應不錯。)
dash:動詞,猛衝、猛撞,打破。例句:His only hope of survival was dashed by the severe weather.(他唯一的生存希望因惡劣天氣而破滅。)
vent:動詞,發洩憤怒或強烈的負面情緒。例句:The football fans vent anger at their team’s loss by booing the players.(這群足球迷對球員報以噓聲,藉以發洩對他們支持球隊輸球的怒氣。)