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2014-11-19 |
Monet picture found in German collector’s suitcase 德國收藏家行李箱中,發現莫內畫作
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2014-10-01 |
Governments agree to stem cancer-causing arsenic in rice: UN 聯合國:各國政府同意遏止稻米中砷導致的癌症
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2014-10-01 |
Hemingway grandsons celebrate in Cuba, 60 years after Nobel 海明威孫子在古巴慶祝祖父獲諾貝爾文學獎60週年
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2014-10-01 |
Lavrov, Yatsenyuk trade barbs over NATO 拉夫羅夫、耶森尤克為北約唇槍舌劍
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2014-10-01 |
Cuba Intelligence Agent:Deal Must Be Made To Free Alan Gross 古巴特務:同伴獲釋得釋放艾倫.葛羅斯
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2014-10-01 |
Obama to create world’s largest protected marine reserve in Pacific Ocean歐巴馬將在太平洋創設世界最大的受保護海洋保留區
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2014-10-01 |
Five-year-old Minnesota ’mayor’ loses bid for third term 5歲大的明尼蘇達州「市長」爭取第3任失利
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2014-10-01 |
Coffee that tastes like BEER? Starbucks tests the new non-alcoholic Dark Barrel Latte designed to taste like Guinness 喝起來像啤酒的咖啡?星巴克測試新飲品無酒精的黑桶拿鐵,喝起來就像健力士
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2014-10-01 |
More than £1m floods in for British dogs’ home after blaze 逾100萬英鎊善款湧入大火後的英國狗狗收容所
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2014-10-01 |
Education Level Linked to Nearsightedness 教育程度與近視有關
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2014-10-01 |
New Thai PM uses holy water, feng shui to ward off occult 泰國新總理用聖水、風水擋巫術
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2014-10-01 |
Obama names former Google, Twitter officials to White House tech jobs歐巴馬任命前Google、推特高階主管出掌白宮科技要職
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2014-10-01 |
Mom Delivers Her Own Baby While Driving 媽媽開車時生下她自己的寶寶
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2014-10-01 |
Aussie commuters tip train cars to aid trapped man 澳洲通勤族推斜火車車廂以援助受困男子
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2014-10-01 |
Action films most likely to make you fat, says study 研究說,動作片最可能讓你發胖
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2014-10-01 |
House-sized asteroid to buzz Earth on Sunday 房子大小的小行星週日將逼近掠過地球
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2014-10-01 |
Elephants Better Beat The Heat Or Else 大象最好打敗炎熱——否則可能一命嗚呼!
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2014-10-01 |
Furious young girl refuses to accept Hello Kitty is a human in video gone viral 網路爆紅影片中憤怒的小女孩 拒絕接受凱蒂貓是人
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2014-10-01 |
Widodo hints Indonesia fuel price rise not likely before inauguration 佐科威暗示就任總統前不漲印尼油價
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2014-10-01 |
Burmese Beauty Queen May Myat Noe Refuses To Return Tiara After Row With Pageant Organizers 緬甸選美皇后梅妙諾槓上活動主辦者後拒絕歸還后冠
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2014-09-25 |
Va. man plants flag, claims African country, calling it ’Kingdom of North Sudan’ 維吉尼亞州男子插旗建立非洲國 名為「北蘇丹王國」
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2014-09-25 |
MSN Messenger to end after 15 years MSN即時通走過15年,即將結束
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2014-09-25 |
Putin is ’self-centred’, says Dalai Lama 普廷「自我中心」,達賴喇嘛說
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2014-09-25 |
Neandertal Diners Had Side of Veggies 尼安德塔人也吃蔬菜
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2014-09-25 |
Are smartphones making young people emotionally stunted? 智慧手機使年輕人情緒感受遲鈍嗎?
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2014-09-25 |
From Texas, where everything is bigger, the 99-pack of beer. 德州什麼都更大!啤酒有99罐裝
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2014-09-25 |
French supermarket sells ugly fruit and vegetables at discount to combat food waste 法國超市折價販賣醜陋蔬果以對抗食物浪費
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2014-09-25 |
Golf balls raining down on an...airport and it’s a big problem 高爾夫球遍佈…機場,問題大了
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2014-09-03 |
Singing familiar songs may help prompt Alzheimer’s patients to speak 唱熟悉的歌或許有助於刺激阿茲海默症患者說話
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2014-09-03 |
It’s ’bone-appétit’ for California pooches under new law 祝您用餐愉快:加州新法開放飼主帶愛犬上餐廳
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2014-09-03 |
Hamas and Israel step up cyber battle for hearts and minds 哈瑪斯和以色列強化網路戰以爭取民心
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2014-09-03 |
Climate change to cut South Asia’s growth 9 pct by 2100 - ADB 亞洲開發銀行:2100年前南亞成長將因氣候變遷削減9%
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2014-09-03 |
Monkey selfie ignites a copyright dispute-猴子自拍照引發著作權爭議
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2014-09-03 |
Plane returns to Seattle with chanting passenger 飛機載著吟唱乘客返回西雅圖
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2014-09-03 |
Catching a yawn is linked to age, study shows 研究顯示,傳染打呵欠的能力與年齡有關
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2014-09-03 |
Lucky koala Sir Chompsalot gets kiss of life 幸運無尾熊「大口吃爵士」獲口對口人工呼吸
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2014-09-03 |
Action films bore me, says "Lucy" director Luc Besson 「露西」導演盧貝松:動作片令我厭倦
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2014-09-03 |
Brazilian model spends £30,000 turning himself into Barbie’s boyfriend... and now he’s bringing out his OWN figurine 巴西模特兒花3萬英鎊改造成芭比男友…現在他要推出自己的人偶
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2014-09-03 |
Ring, ring: London statues want to talk to you 鈴~鈴~:倫敦雕像想與你通話
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2014-09-03 |
3 politicians try living on minimum wage budget 三名政治人物嘗試靠最低工資預算過活
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2014-09-03 |
Cat lady stuck in tree rescuing cat needs rescuing herself 貓女士因救貓受困反要被救
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2014-08-21 |
Toilets in the spotlight at Prague’s new museum of relief 布拉格新療癒博物館,馬桶吸睛
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2014-08-21 |
Pope Runs Late, Asks to Skip Prayers _ or Else! 教宗快趕不及,要求略過禱告–否則麻煩大了!
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2014-08-19 |
’Ball of fury’ cat traps California mother, daughter for hours:report 報導:「憤怒的毛球」 加州一隻貓咪困住媽媽、女兒數小時
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2014-08-19 |
Gaffe-tastic Joe Biden thinks ’Africa’ is a country, not a continent 糗到爆的拜登以為「非洲」是國家,而非大陸
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2014-08-19 |
India approves foreign investment hike in railways, defence 印度批准外人增資鐵路、國防
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2014-08-19 |
Koalas hug trees to lose heat 無尾熊抱樹降體溫
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2014-08-19 |
NYPD baseball team’s jerseys stolen in Texas 紐約市警察局棒球隊的球衣在德州遭竊
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2014-08-19 |
Study finds link between pesticides and autism 研究發現農藥與自閉症有關
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2014-08-19 |
India stray dogs to be part of security squad 印度流浪狗將成為維安小隊組員
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