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人氣 |
2015-04-07 |
Monkey brings electrocuted friend back to life 猴子協助遭電擊的友伴起死回生
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2015-04-06 |
Berlin 2024 Games plan is on thin financial ice-expert 專家—柏林2024奧運計畫因財政問題如履薄冰
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2015-04-05 |
Rocket blasts off with NASA satellite to track climate change 搭載NASA衛星的火箭升空,以追蹤氣候變遷
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2015-04-04 |
Time now to act on looming water crisis, UN warns 該是對迫在眉睫的缺水危機採取行動的時候了,聯合國警告
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2015-04-03 |
German employers get creative to skirt new minimum wage 德國雇主為了規避最低工資新規定大展創意
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2015-04-02 |
Dickens’ desk saved for public display thanks to grant 多虧了補助金,狄更斯的桌子被救回公開展覽
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2015-04-01 |
AP president: Killing of journalists should be a war crime美聯社總裁:殺害記者應屬戰爭罪行
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2015-03-31 |
Gay groups march at last in Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade 同性戀團體最終參與波士頓的聖派翠克節遊行
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2015-03-30 |
MPs say agencies should do more to recruit female spies 國會議員說,情報機關應更努力招募女性情報員
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2015-03-29 |
電影介紹-9 Secrets About The Imitation Game, Straight From Its Screenwriter(下)
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2015-03-28 |
電影介紹-9 Secrets About The Imitation Game, Straight From Its Screenwriter(上)
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2015-03-27 |
London mayor laughs off old Hillary Clinton insult 倫敦市長對往昔辱罵希拉蕊一笑置之
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2015-03-26 |
Tea’s benefits extend to old bones:Japan researchers 日本研究人員:茶的好處擴及老骨頭
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2015-03-25 |
Frenchman Smuggles Russian Wife Into EU in Suitcase 法國男子將俄籍妻裝行李箱偷渡進歐盟
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2015-03-24 |
More giant craters spotted in Russia’s far north 更多巨大坑洞在俄羅斯遙遠的北方被發現
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2015-03-23 |
Sarah Brightman, former ’’Phantom of the Opera’’ star, to become first singer to croon in space 曾主演「歌劇魅影」的莎拉布萊曼將成為首位在太空開唱的歌手
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2015-03-22 |
Spanish, Portuguese leagues challenge FIFA TPO ban 西、葡聯盟挑戰國際足總第三方擁有權禁令
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2015-03-21 |
At the Box Office, It’s No Longer a Man’s World
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2015-03-20 |
Wild kangaroos in Austria? At least 1, surviving in the snow 奧地利有野生袋鼠?至少有1隻存活於雪地
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2015-03-19 |
Drinking coffee may lower risk of multiple sclerosis 喝咖啡可能降低多發性硬化症風險
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2015-03-18 |
U.S. man rescued trying to walk from Detroit on frozen lake to Canada 試圖從底特律走冰湖到加拿大的美國男子獲救
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2015-03-17 |
Attractive jihadists can lure UK girls to extremism 迷人的聖戰士能誘使英國女孩成為極端份子
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2015-03-16 |
Cardinal George Pell, the Vatican’s financial watchdog, slammed for lavish spending 梵蒂岡財務監督人樞機主教喬治.裴爾因鋪張開支挨批
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2015-03-15 |
China’s Wanda buys sports group Infront for 1.05 bn euros 中國萬達以10.5億歐元買下盈方體育集團
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2015-03-14 |
Las Vegas hospital accidentally sends miscarried fetuses to laundry 拉斯維加斯的醫院意外地把流產胎兒送去洗衣店
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2015-03-13 |
NYC tour guide license test:It’s no Facebook quiz 紐約市導遊證照考試:這可不是臉書機智問答
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2015-03-12 |
World’s oldest person wonders about secret to longevity too 全世界最老的人對長壽秘訣也感納悶
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2015-03-11 |
World's strangest lakes 世界最奇怪的湖泊在哪裡呢?
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2015-03-10 |
Salty Skin Boosts Mouse Wound Healing 含鹽皮膚幫助老鼠傷口痊癒
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2015-03-09 |
Russia cuts price of vodka amid double-digit inflation 俄羅斯陷入雙位數通貨膨脹率之際降低伏特加價格
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2015-03-08 |
Ex Ferrari chief Montezemolo leads Rome 2024 bid 前法拉利總裁蒙特澤莫羅帶領羅馬申辦2024年奧運
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2015-03-07 |
Seattle woman knocked unconscious in drive-by egg throwing incident飛車砸蛋敲昏西雅圖女子
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2015-03-06 |
China travelers open emergency exits to protest flight delay 中國旅客打開緊急逃生門抗議班機延誤
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2015-03-05 |
Big condoms partly to blame for Thai teen STI spike: ministry 衛生部:泰國青少年性病激增,有一部分要怪大保險套
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2015-03-04 |
Sierra Leone’s vice president in quarantine for Ebola 獅子山共和國副總統因伊波拉自我隔離
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2015-03-03 |
Cold case: US police ’seek’ Disney snow queen 美國急凍:警方「通緝」迪士尼《冰雪奇緣》女王
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2015-03-02 |
Gym enthusiast claims benefits because ’boring 9 to 5 jobs interfere with his fitness regime’ 健身熱愛者領取失業補助金因為「無聊的朝九晚五工作影響他健身計畫」
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2015-03-01 |
Emotional Cornet wins for Charlie Hebdo victims 激動的科內特為查理週刊犧牲者而贏
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2015-02-28 |
Driver near Seattle blames owl-watching for car crash西雅圖近郊出車禍 司機怪罪於賞貓頭鷹
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2015-02-27 |
Japanese family watching over grave of Briton for 143 years finally learns who is buried there看顧英人墓143年的日本家族終於知道死者身分
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2015-02-26 |
Paris mayor to push for 24-hour Metro service 巴黎市長推行24小時地鐵服務
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2015-02-25 |
Possible breakthrough in search for Alzheimer’s drugs 阿茲海默症藥物的探究可能出現突破
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2015-02-24 |
The fat fight - Study fuels row over UK, U.S. diet guidelines
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2015-02-23 |
Tablets and smartphones may affect social and emotional development, scientists speculate
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2015-02-22 |
Bridge to the past︰ Massachusetts opens 220-year-old time capsule
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2015-02-21 |
Seattle burglary suspect gets stuck in air duct, asks police for help
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2015-02-19 |
Learning a second language after age 10 boosts brain:study 研究:10歲後學習第二外語可提升腦力
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2015-02-18 |
Missing Yorkshire terrier from Arizona turns up in Wisconsin從亞利桑那州走失的約克夏㹴犬在威斯康辛州出現
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2015-02-17 |
The true ’Little House’ story makes a splash in US 真實的「小屋」故事在美國獲得熱烈迴響
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2015-02-16 |
Love in the air at Djokovic match 喬科維奇比賽場上愛意正濃
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